Hireworkwise 5 star super host Airbnb , Vrbo , Expedia , Booking management – Contract to Hire

5 star super host Airbnb , Vrbo , Expedia , Booking management – Contract to Hire

  • Anywhere

We are a real estate service company expanding our rental portfolio really fast

We are about to accomplish the largest Aqusition in history 10,000 plus rentals

We are scaling to grow to 10,000 properties over the next few years

We are now hiring and partnering with the best co host in the industry if you feel like this is you then respond as soon as possible

Our requirements before applying

– Must know how to create listings on all channels ( We will send you photos and descriptions and price points and you can copy and paste

– Must respond 24/7 10 minutes or less to all inquiries when guest reach out

– ?Must know how to sync listings so they won?t get double booked

– ?We move really fast as a company so please move with speed

We start out paying $100 per listing

The first 60 days

After 60 days of great performance we increase your per listing pay out

Currently we have 15 listings getting set up