Kohl’s is hirig a Warehouse Ivetory Specialist
Job Descriptio:
Available Shifts:
Weekday Day Shift & Weeked Day Shifts:
Start time 6am, ed time 4pm
Weekday Overight Shift & Weeked Overight Shifts:
Start time 8pm, ed time 6am
About the Role:
As a Warehouse Ivetory Specialist , your duties will comprise preparig, processig, ad movig merchadise i compliace with established guidelies, rates, ad stadards, prioritizig safety ad efficiecy. Additioally, you will receive traiig i multiple departmets to esure competet support for busiess ad operatioal requiremets.
What You’ll Do:
? Hadle ad maage merchadise by performig tasks such as selectig, packig, processig shipmets ad returs, ad loadig ad uloadig trailers
? Collectig ecessary iformatio for geeratig reports is crucial for the success of ay busiess
? Deliver exceptioal customer service to both iteral ad exteral stakeholders, with a particular focus o iteractig with vedors, associates ad various locatios effectively ad professioally
? Adhere to the safety protocols dictated by the compay, state, ad local govermet, as well as the Occupatioal Safety ad Health Admiistratio (OSHA), to assure a secure work eviromet. Report ay possible safety breaches to the appropriate maager or supervisor as soo as possible
? Adhere to all regulatios ad guidelies set forth by the compay, ecompassig precisio ad efficiecy
? Adhere to the attedace policy established by the orgaizatio ad esure that it remais at satisfactory levels i order to avoid ay reprimads
? Keep a fluid work timetable ad comply with the ecessity to work ay assiged time slot ad additioal workig hours as per the operatioal ad commercial wats
What Skills You Have
? The capacity to acquire ad implemet policies, protocols, orms ad directives, as well as comprehed ad actively respod to guidace
? Effective collaboratio ad teamwork skills&bsp;
? Adept multi-taskig abilities
? Ability to satisfactorily complete compay traiig programs ad cross-trai i at least 2 departmets